
Everyone knows what the word “yes” means. Everyone also knows what “no” means. Everyone knows what not right is, but what does YESNO mean?

YESNO” is a musical performance about mom and dad who are raising two rascals who, of course, grow into personalities with a strong character and a favourite word. But always saying just “yes” or just “no” can turn everything upside down and make your head spin!

Since our childhood we know that when we see a bright red traffic light we are not allowed to walk or to drive while the green light means that we are free to move as we like. We often do not even notice ourselves that we begin to relate to the red light and the word “no” as restrictive, negative things. On the other hand, the green light, as well as the word “yes”, we accept as all compassing good. However, is this always true? Maybe sometimes “no” protects us, and “yes”, on the contrary, puts us in danger?

Performance “YESNO” playfully invites you to look at some seemingly evident beliefs from a new angle and see that “yes” is not always good and “no” is not always bad. The little spectators and their parents, accompanied by the enthusiastic Christmas mood and creative team, will have an opportunity to experience that the navigation in YES and NO confusion can be easy and very fun!

Director – Aidas Giniotis

Assistant director  Ieva Stundžytė

Cast: Marija Korenkaitė, Justas Tertelis, Urtė Smulskytė, Diana Kamarauskaitė, Justina Smieliauskaitė, Matas Pranskevičius, Danas Kamarauskas, Jurgis Marčėnas, Vaidotas Žitkus, Eimantas Bareikis

Music– Aidas Giniotis and Jurgis Marčėnas

Scenographer – Laura Luišaitytė

Lighting designer – Darius Malinauskas

Sound designer – Andrius Čaplikas

Duration – 40 min.

Age rating – 5+



Photo and video
